Check out what's happening at FortePiano Studio!
Congrats to Katalina!
Tuesday, September 29, 2020 by Kara Myers | Uncategorized
Hi everyone,
What a beautiful September we've been having! With all the craziness in the world right now, I am so thankful for brilliant yellow leaves and luminous red sunsets.
We're into our third week of the Quest of Bach Challenge! So far students have learned (or are learning) a piece of their choice by Bach and listened to Brandenburg Concerto No. 3. This week: figuring out a song by ear that starts with a weak beat, a favorite compositional device of Bach's. Stay tuned for more updates!
Congrats Katalina, winner of the Summer Practice Challenge two years in a row!
On a separate note (ha), another student surprised me a couple weeks ago with an incredible creation he had worked on over the summer:
It's a miniature grand piano, made out of metal! The detailing of the strings and keys is extraordinary. Thanks for sharing, Charlie!
Coming up soon at FortePiano Studio: our annual piano parent workshop! More details to come next week. 😊
September News and Highlights!
Friday, September 11, 2020 by Kara Myers | news
Welcome back to piano! We're into our second week into lessons and adjusting to the new routines of Zoom lessons, masks, physical distancing, hand sanitizing, and lots of cleaning! Change is always hard to get used to, and I appreciate everyone's patience with the barrage of emails, technical adjustments, and hygiene measures.
A big welcome to new students Cathy, Fallon, Kent, Mac, Reese, Willow, and Zephyr! I'm so excited to share your musical journey with you. 😊
This coming week, we're starting our first practice challenge of the year! The Quest of Bach Challenge will unfold over the next two months, each week presenting a new musical challenge as participants trace Bach's legendary journey from Arnstadt to Lubeck. Students who complete the challenge in 8 weeks will be put in a draw for a $5 gift certificate to a local ice cream shop! More details coming...