Since covid forced many of us online for the past two years, students and teachers alike have learned to love the freedom and flexibility online lessons provide! Distance, snow storms and colds are no longer a reason to miss a lesson. Students who prefer the comfort of their own piano no longer have to pay a teacher to travel to them. And parents of young children no longer have to hire a baby sitter in order to take lessons!

At FortePiano Studio, we utilize a variety of teaching strategies and technological tools in order to bring online lessons to life, including:

  • Zoom lessons which are integrated into our online piano portal, My Music Staff. Signing into your online lesson is as easy as the click of a button!

  • Classroom Maestro, a MIDI program which allows me to show you exactly what notes, pedals, chords, or scales I'm playing, both on the keyboard and the staff.

  • Dual camera views. I can quickly switch between an overhead keyboard and side view. The overhead keyboard view is flexible, allowing me to pan out over the whole keyboard or zoom in close to a specific hand position.

  • Screensharing allow us to play games, play along with backing tracks, annotate sheet music, illustrate concepts, and more.

  • A menagerie of props, including puppets and colorful erasers, make learning with young children fun!

Online Lesson Demo